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The Top 100 Lean books by John Bicheno
John Bicheno, an expert in Lean methodologies, continues to maintain and publish the definitive "Top 100 Lean Books." This valuable resource is an exceptional reference for our Network.

The Top 100 Lean books by John Bicheno
John Bicheno, an emeritus professor at the University of Buckingham's School of Business, was born in South Africa. He has engineering degrees from the University of Witwatersrand in Johannesburg and worked for 12 years in industry and local government in South Africa. His areas of expertise include project and design engineering, management services, operations research, and operations management. John started learning about lean with Toyota in South Africa in 1982.
In 1987, John became a senior lecturer in operations management at the University of Buckingham. He was promoted to reader in 1990 and served as dean in 1992. John's interests lie in lean operations for service and manufacturing industries, believing that becoming 'lean' is a priority for all operations-led organisations.
He has authored several best-selling books, such as The Lean Toolbox, and has designed numerous participative games in lean and service. John was also the founding director of the MSc in Lean Operations at the Lean Enterprise Research Centre (LERC) from 1999 to 2012, supervising over 80 master's dissertations. He has also served as a Shingo examiner and joined the APICS CPIM ECO Certification Committee in 2013.
John maintains the updated list of his top 100 books on lean.